In 2015, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) partnered with The Nature Conservancy to release a five-year report on the USFS’s Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program. The report gives details on 23 different collaborative programs across the US, and offers recommendations for successful collaboratives.
The 2014 Farm Bill created or permanently authorized several tools that help federal forest managers better collaborate with states, local governments and community stakeholder groups. These authorities and their application will be a major focus of Gov. Bullock’s Chairman’s Initiative.
Invasive and noxious weeds pose an increasing threat to many of the nation’s public forests and rangelands. Wilderness Invasion is a short documentary that highlights the efforts being made by states, federal agencies, and private landowners to help combat these threats. The video was made with the support of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Nevada Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Forest Service, among others.